Art Work
On this page I will be showcasing the drawings I have been doing over the last year and hopefully you will be able to see some level of progress. There are two or three of the same images that were done months apart, so identifying change, weather it is negative or positive, should be quite easy.
I would like to make it very clear right from the very beginning, I am not an artist, I am no were near qualified to teach anyone how to draw or paint. As previously mentioned, this blog is simply to help budding artists like myself or even more experienced artists, compare art supplies without having to buy them having to buy them and possible waste money as the product is no good for their personal technique.
As the blog progresses on and more people start using it, I would love to also add your art work to this page for others to view, but that is a matter worth debating with whoever decides to use and visit my blog.
None of the images I have added are for sale, I would not insult any of you guys buy even expecting someone to purchase these drawings, also, almost all of them are copied from various artists on Youtube. All images will be labeled with the original artists name and channel details. So all the drawings have been done for my own purposes and not to try and sell as the copyright belongs to the respected artists.
I have tried to add the drawings in order of the first to the most recent.
Eddie from Iron Madian, this image was simply taken from a record cover and was my very first drawing about 8 or 9 months ago. As I said, I used to draw as a kid and loved it, but stopped when I was in the Army, since my medical retirement after sustaining my spinal injury, Art is a way that has helped me repair mentally more than anything.
My daughter asked me to start drawing again and so this was the image that I chose to do. You will be able to tell that the first clump of drawings are graphite, as I only fell in love with the possibilities of coloured pencils a few months or so ago. I will obviously label all the images I've copied with the original artists details, but you can also check out the list of artists that have really inspired me on a dedicated page.
I drew this next image for my eldest daughter as it was her who got me into art. As I've mentioned before, my eldest daughter, who is 15, is currently studying art for GCSE's and going on to A Level art and finally hopefully to the Art University in London.
As you can see this is the Guns N Roses logo who happens to be one of my daughters favourite bands.
Predator was my next drawing. This was a Google image that I found. I would like to mention that all images I have posted on my blog, I have contacted the original artist to make sure they are okay with me copying their work and adding it to my blog.
However, there are some images were I could not track down the original artist, if you recognise any of the images on my blog that you are the original artist to and don't want me adding my version of the art, just contact me and I will take the image down immediately.
This was the first image of an amazing artist called Mark Crilley that I copied. You will find quite a few drawings on this page were by I have copied his work.
I have contacted Mark to make sure he is okay with me adding my copied images to my blog. I was always under the impression that it is fine to copy another artists work providing the work is for you own personal reason and never to be sold on to anyone unless strict permission has been granted by the Artist
Mark Crilley, just incase you are one of the handful of people on the planet that don't know who Mark is, is an outstanding artist, specialising in Manga, but amazing in every other area of art. This is Mark's Youtube channel, a must see for any artist.
I drew this image for my youngest daughter Amelia who is 11. This again is another image belonging to Mark Crilley. It is my drawing but I copied it from one of the many amazing tutorials on Mark's channel.
Again, another drawing for my youngest daughter and Mark Crilley the original artist
Another image from Mark Crilley's youtube tutorials, however, this was my first ever drawing on toned paper.
The mouth and eyes are points I struggle most with. This image was done from Marks Cruller's channel.
It os so clear to me now the work that is still needed on these pieces, but I want to leave them and keep them as reminders of my hopeful progress.
Another image copied from Mark Crilley's Youtube channel.
This is a repeat of the pink manga drawing I done for my daughter Amelia, I tried to improve on it with a bit of shading. I am just starting at this stage to start using coloured pencils. I think this was done with my first ever set of coloured pencils, which were from a stationary store, nothing very fancy.
Obviously this is copied from Mark Crilley
Mark done this drawing right around the time the movie hit the cinemas and I just had to give it a go. If it is not already clear, I would like to make it very clear now that, my drawings, although copied from Mark Crilley's, are not even a fraction of what the original drawings look like. You should really check out his channel to see what the images are supposed to look like.
As you can see both drawings are the same, however there is about a month or so apart.
The original artist is of course Mark Crilley and one of the fantastic things about Marks tutorials, are that he lays down guide lines to help the student get things into proportion and to help with future drawings of a similar nature.
I can see the improvement is there, but never the less the is still quite a bit of work needed.
This image was taken from Google Images, unfortunately I could not locate the original artist and so therefore do not have his or her details.
If anyone knows the artist, please let me know and I will gladly let them know or remove the image if they prefer. As with all the above images, unfortunately my drawing does not do the original any justice.
This image was copied from Mark Crilley's youtube channel, but I simply had to try and draw Link for my son. I was quite pleased with this image but endeavour to redo this drawing with coloured pencil.
This is another image from Mark Crilley's youtube channel.
This is another image were I was unable to locate the original artist. However, I wanted to try this image because of the mouth and teeth, I find these areas quite challenging and so do it.
This is another image originally drawn by Mark Crilley. As you can see with my attempt the contrast is terrible and needs a lot more work, which I will do with a redo.
Unfortunately I was unable to get the name of this artist or contact them with regards to copying and adding the image to my blog. As before though, if anyone knows the original artist, please by all means let me know their details and I will contact them or remove the image immediately if they are unhappy. Remember though, none of this work is of sale, I am not trying to resell another artists work. All images are simply a reminder, to myself, of my progress and mistakes that I have made and hopefully learn from.
Another unnamed artist, but I was quite pleased with the out come of this image.
We are now getting into the coloured pencil drawings that I started about a few months or so ago. At the time I was thrilled with this image, but after learning so much from other artists since drawing this, I can see my mistakes and bad techniques.
Unfortunately this was another Google Image and I was unable to track down the original artist.
As with the image above, at the time I was thrilled with this, but a fe months on and I can see the mistakes.
Again this is another Googled image and was unable to make contact with the original photographer.
This is another Googled image, this was from a photograph if I can remember correctly.
I am pleased with this image, however, more pleased with the branch, I think I represented decent texture but liked a bit of contrast and therefore losing that depth that could have made the image better.
I am also still getting used to coloured pencil, this is only my fourth or fifth drawing using coloured pencil whilst not really knowing the correct techniques. Excuses excuses lol.
One of my very good friends from the Army, asked me to draw his dog Gus. I was given a good quality image and this was the result. I really wasn't happy with it and so started over again, only this time I tried it on Strathmore Grey Toned Paper.
The image below is my second attempt, there was about a week to two weeks between both images.
The original image is below also.

When I was drawing Gus, I was so unsure as to weather or not I should add the background. At this stage of my drawing, I am not very good at drawing blurred background, which you will see in the next couple of images. I am terrible at drawing landscape with coloured pencil, although I would love to be able to. For me the sky is my biggest hurdle.
I actually purchased a set of pastels a month or so ago because I wanted to draw landscape so much and thought pastels would be the better choice, but i think it has more to do with the idiot holding the pastels or pencils lol.
After Gus, I took a break from coloured pencils and tried this image in pencil.
I really loved drawing this Tiger, although there is still plenty wrong with this drawing, I'm so pleased with the way the eyes turned out.
However, overall I can see I am on the right track and learning. Still a long way to go but at least I'm on the right path.
I am actually working on this currently as I put this blog together, as you can see it is not finished. I am pleased with certain aspects of this bird, but I will leave it to the end to critique it properly.
As you can see I have tried the blurred background in the image to devastatingly shocking effect. It's such a cool technique when applied correctly, so lots more learning for me.
None of the images I have added are for sale, I would not insult any of you guys buy even expecting someone to purchase these drawings, also, almost all of them are copied from various artists on Youtube. All images will be labeled with the original artists name and channel details. So all the drawings have been done for my own purposes and not to try and sell as the copyright belongs to the respected artists.
I have tried to add the drawings in order of the first to the most recent.
Eddie from Iron Madian, this image was simply taken from a record cover and was my very first drawing about 8 or 9 months ago. As I said, I used to draw as a kid and loved it, but stopped when I was in the Army, since my medical retirement after sustaining my spinal injury, Art is a way that has helped me repair mentally more than anything.
My daughter asked me to start drawing again and so this was the image that I chose to do. You will be able to tell that the first clump of drawings are graphite, as I only fell in love with the possibilities of coloured pencils a few months or so ago. I will obviously label all the images I've copied with the original artists details, but you can also check out the list of artists that have really inspired me on a dedicated page.
I drew this next image for my eldest daughter as it was her who got me into art. As I've mentioned before, my eldest daughter, who is 15, is currently studying art for GCSE's and going on to A Level art and finally hopefully to the Art University in London.
As you can see this is the Guns N Roses logo who happens to be one of my daughters favourite bands.
Predator was my next drawing. This was a Google image that I found. I would like to mention that all images I have posted on my blog, I have contacted the original artist to make sure they are okay with me copying their work and adding it to my blog.
However, there are some images were I could not track down the original artist, if you recognise any of the images on my blog that you are the original artist to and don't want me adding my version of the art, just contact me and I will take the image down immediately.
This was the first image of an amazing artist called Mark Crilley that I copied. You will find quite a few drawings on this page were by I have copied his work.
I have contacted Mark to make sure he is okay with me adding my copied images to my blog. I was always under the impression that it is fine to copy another artists work providing the work is for you own personal reason and never to be sold on to anyone unless strict permission has been granted by the Artist
Mark Crilley, just incase you are one of the handful of people on the planet that don't know who Mark is, is an outstanding artist, specialising in Manga, but amazing in every other area of art. This is Mark's Youtube channel, a must see for any artist.
I drew this image for my youngest daughter Amelia who is 11. This again is another image belonging to Mark Crilley. It is my drawing but I copied it from one of the many amazing tutorials on Mark's channel.
Again, another drawing for my youngest daughter and Mark Crilley the original artist
Another image from Mark Crilley's youtube tutorials, however, this was my first ever drawing on toned paper.
The mouth and eyes are points I struggle most with. This image was done from Marks Cruller's channel.
It os so clear to me now the work that is still needed on these pieces, but I want to leave them and keep them as reminders of my hopeful progress.
Another image copied from Mark Crilley's Youtube channel.
This is a repeat of the pink manga drawing I done for my daughter Amelia, I tried to improve on it with a bit of shading. I am just starting at this stage to start using coloured pencils. I think this was done with my first ever set of coloured pencils, which were from a stationary store, nothing very fancy.
Obviously this is copied from Mark Crilley
Mark done this drawing right around the time the movie hit the cinemas and I just had to give it a go. If it is not already clear, I would like to make it very clear now that, my drawings, although copied from Mark Crilley's, are not even a fraction of what the original drawings look like. You should really check out his channel to see what the images are supposed to look like.
The original artist is of course Mark Crilley and one of the fantastic things about Marks tutorials, are that he lays down guide lines to help the student get things into proportion and to help with future drawings of a similar nature.
I can see the improvement is there, but never the less the is still quite a bit of work needed.
This image was taken from Google Images, unfortunately I could not locate the original artist and so therefore do not have his or her details.
If anyone knows the artist, please let me know and I will gladly let them know or remove the image if they prefer. As with all the above images, unfortunately my drawing does not do the original any justice.
This image was copied from Mark Crilley's youtube channel, but I simply had to try and draw Link for my son. I was quite pleased with this image but endeavour to redo this drawing with coloured pencil.
This is another image from Mark Crilley's youtube channel.
This is another image were I was unable to locate the original artist. However, I wanted to try this image because of the mouth and teeth, I find these areas quite challenging and so do it.
This is another image originally drawn by Mark Crilley. As you can see with my attempt the contrast is terrible and needs a lot more work, which I will do with a redo.
Unfortunately I was unable to get the name of this artist or contact them with regards to copying and adding the image to my blog. As before though, if anyone knows the original artist, please by all means let me know their details and I will contact them or remove the image immediately if they are unhappy. Remember though, none of this work is of sale, I am not trying to resell another artists work. All images are simply a reminder, to myself, of my progress and mistakes that I have made and hopefully learn from.
Another unnamed artist, but I was quite pleased with the out come of this image.
We are now getting into the coloured pencil drawings that I started about a few months or so ago. At the time I was thrilled with this image, but after learning so much from other artists since drawing this, I can see my mistakes and bad techniques.
Unfortunately this was another Google Image and I was unable to track down the original artist.
As with the image above, at the time I was thrilled with this, but a fe months on and I can see the mistakes.
Again this is another Googled image and was unable to make contact with the original photographer.
This is another Googled image, this was from a photograph if I can remember correctly.
I am pleased with this image, however, more pleased with the branch, I think I represented decent texture but liked a bit of contrast and therefore losing that depth that could have made the image better.
I am also still getting used to coloured pencil, this is only my fourth or fifth drawing using coloured pencil whilst not really knowing the correct techniques. Excuses excuses lol.
One of my very good friends from the Army, asked me to draw his dog Gus. I was given a good quality image and this was the result. I really wasn't happy with it and so started over again, only this time I tried it on Strathmore Grey Toned Paper.
The image below is my second attempt, there was about a week to two weeks between both images.
The original image is below also.

When I was drawing Gus, I was so unsure as to weather or not I should add the background. At this stage of my drawing, I am not very good at drawing blurred background, which you will see in the next couple of images. I am terrible at drawing landscape with coloured pencil, although I would love to be able to. For me the sky is my biggest hurdle.
I actually purchased a set of pastels a month or so ago because I wanted to draw landscape so much and thought pastels would be the better choice, but i think it has more to do with the idiot holding the pastels or pencils lol.
After Gus, I took a break from coloured pencils and tried this image in pencil.
I really loved drawing this Tiger, although there is still plenty wrong with this drawing, I'm so pleased with the way the eyes turned out.
However, overall I can see I am on the right track and learning. Still a long way to go but at least I'm on the right path.
I am actually working on this currently as I put this blog together, as you can see it is not finished. I am pleased with certain aspects of this bird, but I will leave it to the end to critique it properly.
As you can see I have tried the blurred background in the image to devastatingly shocking effect. It's such a cool technique when applied correctly, so lots more learning for me.
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